
Coronemoting: Remote work during the coronavirus pandemic

Hello! Your company is probably remote now due to coronavirus/COVID-19. As a full time remote worker, I have some advice (and encouragement!). First, though, a caveat. If COVID-19 is causing your first experience with remote, understand that this isn’t normally how things go. This situation sucks, period. Even I'm not getting as much done, simply… Continue reading Coronemoting: Remote work during the coronavirus pandemic


When did New Yorkers start taking COVID-19 seriously? An analysis based on subway app usage

My company owns a bunch of subway apps, but one of our most popular ones is SUBWAY:NYC. Obviously, this app in particular has seen dramatic decreases in usage as a result of the worldwide pandemic that's hit NYC especially hard. While that's bad for me, I thought it might be interesting to look at the… Continue reading When did New Yorkers start taking COVID-19 seriously? An analysis based on subway app usage


Coronavirus: a mathematical prediction and what you can do about it

Caveat: I’m not the CDC. I’m just a former math professor who had a long flight last week and wanted to figure out the odds that someone on my plane had coronavirus. That said, the model I describe below is a reasonable approximation of the situation we're in for the time being; that is, unless… Continue reading Coronavirus: a mathematical prediction and what you can do about it